Dockerized commands - Part 2

On the last post ({% post_url 2017-12-16-dockerized-commands %}), we learned how to run npm commands dockerized. But there is a little issue with that command. I tried to run yarn with the dockerized node, but I got the following error: "exec: \"yarn\": executable file not found in $PATH" The issue is, the yarn binary is on /opt folder, the same folder we were mouting and it was conflicting with the original content of the folder....

December 24, 2017

Dockerized commands

Today I will share a quick tip to improve your workflow. In the last years, the docker has gained so much popularity. As a trend, some people tend to run the applications in docker containers instead of on the host machine. After formatting my computer, I hadn’t installed all the tools I use on my development workflow and I needed to install the npm dependencies of my project. I hadn’t installed the node and npm yet, so I decided to run npm install with docker...

December 16, 2017